Σάββατο 27 Ιουλίου 2013

Βρες την Ελληνική Ταινία

    iOS Universal
Με αυτές μεγαλώσαμε, γελάσαμε, κλαψαμε, αγαπήσαμε.
Όλοι λίγο-πολύ τις ξέρουμε. Μιλάμε για τις Ελληνικές Ταινίες.
Πόσο καλά όμως θυμόμαστε τον τίτλο τους;
Τόσο καλά ώστε να τις αναγνωρίσουμε από μία μόνο χαρακτηριστική τους φωτογραφία; Δεν είναι τόσο δύσκολο αλλά ούτε και εύκολο...

Mπορείς να βρείς την ελληνική ταινία; Kάθε παζλ περιέχει ένα φωτογραφικό στιγμιότυπο από μια γνωστή (ή λιγότερο γνωστή) ελληνική ταινια. Υπάρχουν δύο κατηγορίες για να επιλέξετε:
* ο Παλαιός Ελληνικός Κινηματογράφος (1950 - 1980) και
* ο Νέος Ελληνικός Κινηματογράφος (1980 - 2013) (ως in app purchase)

Οι ταινίες είναι πολλές και η δυσκολία αυξάνεται σταδιακά. Θα έχετε βοήθειες αν χρειαστείτε. Υπάρχει κατάταξη μέσω GameCenter για μπορείτε να συγκρίνετε τη βαθμολογία σας με τους φίλους/φίλες σας. Καλή διασκέδαση!

Υποστήριξη iphone5 iphone/ipad
Yποστήριξη ios7
Δημοσίευση σε Facebook/Twitter για βοήθεια
Υποστήριξη GameCenter 

Πέμπτη 2 Μαΐου 2013

IQ test for children – Draw a Man test

You just know your child is the smartest of them all, but never had a way of proving it? Now there is a way, the “IQ test for children – Draw a Man test”.

Back in 1926, Florence Goodenough introduced the Draw a Man test, detailed in her book “Measurement of Intelligence by Drawings”. Based on Goodenough’s work our programming group developed the “IQ test for children – Draw a Man test”.

The child is asked to draw a person, taking all the time (s)he needs. Most of the children don’t take more than 10-15 minutes to complete their drawing. The child should be encouraged to start drawing and to remain focused, without any pressure or other kind of guidance.

When the painting is complete start the evaluation answering a set of standard questions regarding shape, proportions and other details to describe the picture. Just press on the appropriate text boxes to make your selections and press again to deselect. Use the “Back” and “Next” clouds to go back and forth.

Keep in mind that above anything else the results have to do with your child’s ability to focus and the drawing experience gained so far. Don’t be disappointed, try again another day when (s)he is more focused and it’s very possible that the results will amaze you.

The “IQ test for children – Draw a Man test” is appropriate for the evaluation of children aged 3 to 13 years.


Παρασκευή 5 Απριλίου 2013

Tanner Stages of Sexual Development

The human sexual maturation could be described as a sequence of physical morphological changes related to primary and secondary sex characteristics. In an effort to quantify these changes, back in 1969, Marshall and Tanner suggested the scale of sexual development which became known as scale Tanner. This application provides a simple and convenient way of using the Tanner scale and a basic medical record system for storing data about the Tanner Stages of your patients in different dates, ages.

Standard Tanner stages black and white photos (providing maximum sensitivity in diagnosis).
Detailed description for the Tanner stages, assisting diagnosis.
Additional information about each Tanner stage.
Multiple language selection (English, German, Swedish, Greek, Chinese).
Easy to use interface.
Easy navigation system.
Electronic Medical Record providing:
Patient data (name, surname, date of birth, SSN).
Capturing and storing patient black and white or color photos.
Automatic calculation of patient's age at the examination date and even current age.
Storing of menstruation start age.
Patient visit creation based on date of visit or patient age.
Choose Tanner stage through a special standard image selector.
Capture and store patient photos (at every visit) using black and white filter allowing better recognition of trichosis.
Create a graph matching patients age and Tanner stage, monitoring progression.
Easy navigation and retrieval of patient info.
Backup system.
A valuable tool for every pediatrician, endocrinologist, nurse and paramedical staff working with children and adolescents.